I’m Cameron Conn and this is my website.

I’m a software developer, engineer, and other things. I typically write on here about cybersecurity (hax), programming (ugly hacks), projects I made (duct taped hacks) or current happenings (social hacks).

Some things about me: I…

  • like breaking things and fixing them
  • am opinionated
  • prefer low-level system programming
  • am an Eagle Scout
  • write stupid things on this stupid website
  • like the outdoors

Talk to Me

Want to talk, correct an error, or send hate fan mail?

I have a Twitter, so you can complain to me. I’m also available via email: cam @ this domain without www. I host my of my code on Gitlab, but do have a GitHub I use when I need to.

You can find a copy of my PGP key here. As of 2021, the key’s fingerprint is:

1B54 88DC EBA6 EEB0 5275  9A99 CB89 1695 5CD3 4B50

Prior to 2021 I used a different key. I’ve signed my newer key with the older one.